Inspiring Future Generations into Careers Related to the Decarbonisation of Transport & Energy

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Our mission

Net Zero Heroes is dedicated to inspiring and equipping the next generation to lead the charge towards a sustainable future. Through our dynamic schools outreach program, we aim to ignite students' passion for careers that support global decarbonisation efforts and help achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Volunteers from key industries attend schools all over the UK and talk about their career path and the opportunities that will be available in the sector they specialise in.

By fostering a diverse and inclusive environment, we empower young minds with the knowledge and skills necessary to drive the energy transition forward, ensuring a cleaner, greener planet for all. Students who have access to our programme gain insights into electric vehicle charging, wind, solar, battery storage, carbon capture and hydrogen and will be given visibility of how they can link their current lessons to exciting careers that will help become the Net Zero Heroes of the future.

Volunteers Registered


Students Impacted

Meet Ellis Spiezia
We are proud to have Ellis Spiezia as our Net Zero Heroes Ambassador. 
Ellis is an 18 year old American EV racing driver who has a deep passion for sustainability and education.
By prioritising electric racing, he is doubling down, leading a new generation that will transform education, the economy, and sustainability through innovation. Focused on web3, gaming and the metaverse, he sees this unique opportunity to have a critical role in the evolution of this new vertical within the sport. 
Named Top 10 EV Influencer in 2023, a nominee for the inaugural BBC Green Sports Young Athlete of the Year Award, a member of Eco Athletes and High Impact Athletes,
Ellis is committed to inspiring the next generation of Net Zero Heroes. Performance and the planet. Let’s go.

Why Join Us?

Become a Net Zero Hero: Volunteer to Inspire the Next Generation
For Volunteers
Join our Net Zero Heroes Business Community - ITS FREE
For Business
Empower Your Students to Become Net Zero Heroes - ITS FREE
For Schools

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Inspire the next generation of Net Zero Heroes by volunteering as little as one hour per year
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